Minister Denise Smith
Minister Denise A. Smith is a remarkable minister at bethel Baptist church the house of god. she was born March 1, 1962 to the late Ezra L. Godfrey and Surviving mother, Ms. Barbara E. Godfrey. minister smith is the mother of three wonderful children, Desha Barnes, Michael Adams and Carlisa Drone. Her children have blessed her with six grandchildren. her family is very important to her, she is very a active mother and grandmother. she has eight living siblings. Minister Smith is A graduate of Woodrow Wilson High School in Portsmouth, Virginia as well as Tidewater Community College. she has a certification in Early Childhood Education. She works presently in the Health Care industry as PCA (Patient Care Assistant).
Minister Smith accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior at the age of 17 in 1979. she was ordained as elder at Philippi church of christ disciples of christ located in greenville, NC, under the pastoral leadership of bishop randy b. royal in November of 1992. it is through her personal relationship with jesus christ that she has been anointed and gifted to preach and teach the gospel. she observes all the components necessary to assist mankind in coming to the knowledge of the gospel of her lord and savior jesus christ. minister smith is an effective and competent instructor. She regularly teaches Sunday School to both adults and Children. Minster Smith's lives her life by the scripture, " For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. 1 corinthians 2:2 niv